Ushibuka Morning Market
Ushibuka Morning Market
We hold a morning market every month in Ushibuka from 8:00 to 11:00 on the third Sunday in the morning.
We have a lot of Ushibuka and Amakusa local specialties.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Ushibuka Morning Market
Event scene
Ushibuka Morning Market
Event scene
[Recommended product]
Sea cucumber
Sweet potato rice cake
Dried fish
Ushibuka Morning Market
adress: Ushibuka,237-1,Amakusa,Kumamoto
Tel: 0969-73-4801

Ushibuka Weather
Ushibuka Weather
Ushibuka tour
Amakusa Eight sunset views
The pleasure boat of Ushibuka sea park
Ushibuka marine sports
Ushibuka round trip bus
Ushibuka access
Ushibuka Sanwa ferry
rental car
Amakusa airlines
Ushibuka tour guide map
Ushibuka Event
Ushibuka Haiya Festival
Ushibuka event
